

Tray insert without floor and outer walls - allows only continuous walls

TrayInsert Settings

Default Settings

Tray/Box insert dividers.

Tray insert with extra margin for that perfect fit.

You can specify the grid sizes with the standard (sx, sy) format, which allows nice variable rows and columns. If you check the outside box, the full outside of the tray insert ends up being the sum of all the sx/sy values. However, if you want a consistent cell size, and uncheck outside, then the overall dimensinos end up larger by (n-1)*thickenss, to make space for your walls.

You can specify the x and y parameters if you like, just make them larger than what the sum of (sx, sy) would end up with, and the walls be automatically extended to to exactly fill the inside of your tray or box.

So, for example, if you're fitting 30mm x 40mm items and want them to fit inside a 250mm x 300mm box, you can specify

sx = 30*8
sy = 40*7
uncheck outside

This frees your mind into separately thinking about the cell size vs the overall box size.

Tray Extra

Picture of box.