number of teeth
diameter of the shaft 1
percent of the D section of shaft 1 (100 for round shaft)
number of teeth in the other size of gears
diameter of the shaft2 (zero for same as shaft 1)
percent of the D section of shaft 1 (0 for same as shaft 1)
size of teeth (diameter / #teeth) in mm
angle of the teeth touching (in degrees)
in percent of the modulus
thickness of the material (in mm) 🛈
format of resulting file 🛈
width of tabs holding the parts in place (in mm)(not supported everywhere) 🛈
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print surrounding boxes for some structures 🛈
label the parts (where available)
print reference rectangle with given length (in mm)(zero to disable) 🛈
style for inner corners 🛈
burn correction (in mm)(bigger values for tighter fit) 🛈
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